Injecting the know-how into finding a med spa

Injecting the know-how into finding a med spa
Beautiful and happy blonde woman at beauty medical clinic. She is sitting and talking with female doctor about face esthetics treatment.

It’s no secret that, as we grow older, many of us resist the visible signs of ageing. The beauty industry, the internet, and social media, have become conduits for fountain-of-youth aspirations, super-conductors of filtered, smooth, line-less. and plump skin. Injectables, aimed at restoring some of this fresh-facedness without the need for surgery, have been trending for some time. The American Society of Plastic Surgeon’s 2020 report found that of the near 16 million cosmetic procedures performed that year, a little over 13 million were classed as minimally invasive, with face and body injections accounting for the majority. This is likely because they work. According to a recent review, the four key indicators of ageing skin: diminished quality, an increase in soft tissue laxity, the formation of rhytids, and a deflation and redistribution of skin volume, are safely and effectively addressed by injectable treatments. Here’s what to look out for in a medical spa when seeking face and body injections for yourself.

With an abundance of medical spas now offering a wide menu of injectables, it’s imperative to do your research. A top medical spa will have an online presence that details who they are, their level of experience, as well as the exact range of services they offer. The spa’s site should also profile the experience of their practice consultants and their level of involvement in treatments. Look for a spa that’s overseen by medical doctors, with registered nurses also on staff. It’s also important to know who will be performing the procedure, under whose guidance, and their level of experience in doing so. These are all questions that may best be approached via a phone conversation or face-to-face consultation.

Any reputable medical spa should happily share customer testimonials via their site. These shared client experiences can also be accessed via Yelp or Google ratings. Take note of any accreditations the spa and its staff have, and any industry awards it has received. Also look for a spa that provides an initial consultation to discuss your concerns, so that you don’t feel rushed into decisions, and ideally one that undertakes a full skin analysis performed using high-resolution imaging equipment.

Cienega Med Spa is a unique brand of medical spas offering a wide range of face and body injections, such as Botox, Volbella, Restylane, Kysse, Xeomin, and more. Arrange a free consultation with Cienega’s expert medical team at one of its trio of locations spread across the greater Los Angeles area, and embrace your own fountain-of-youth.